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5/1/20231 min read

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Why You Should Switch from PPL Electric

PPL Electric is one of the largest electric utilities in Pennsylvania, serving over 1.4 million customers across central and eastern parts of the state1. However, being a large and established company does not necessarily mean being the best option for your electricity needs. In fact, there are many reasons why you might want to switch from PPL Electric to a different energy supplier. Here are some of them.

Save money on your electric bill

PPL Electric charges a default rate for electricity supply, which is called the price to compare. This rate is based on the market price of electricity and changes every three months. As of May 2023, the price to compare for residential customers is 14.612 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), and for business customers

is 14.751 cents/kWh2.

However, you do not have to pay this rate if you switch to a different energy supplier. Pennsylvania has a deregulated electricity market, which means that you can shop around for the best deal on electricity supply from various companies that compete for your business. You can compare the rates and plans offered by different suppliers and choose the one that suits your budget and preferences. By switching to a lower rate than the price to compare, you can save money on your electric bill every month.